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소식) 새로운 포니게임이 구글스토어에 릴리즈
게시물ID : pony_76550짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : XLINE
추천 : 4
조회수 : 600회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2014/11/15 10:03:50
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After a long wait Unicorn Training has finally released on GooglePlay! Are you guys ready to help Clover the young apprentice learn spells and take on dangerous dungeons? With over 10 different spells to learn and 9 dungeons to explore it's quite a bargain at $1 to own the full version. Not only that, money earned from the game will go towards an iOS port!

Curious? Check on after the break for all the info you need on the game, a new game trailer, as well as where you can buy it!

 It's finally here! Unicorn Training is up on Google Play (and so is the free version!). The full version costs $1 and profits will help me buy a Mac so I can port to iOS someday. Thanks to everyone who kept this project alive by following my disorderly antics and boosted my morale enough to continue working even when I felt like just dropping everything and moving on.

Now enjoy that game I promised!

Master powerful magic, venture through dungeons, and explore the monster-filled forest of Equica!

Clover is the unicorn apprentice of Grand Swirllock the Bearded. She needs to learn the 10 basic combat spells every mage must master to survive fights against the monsters of Equica.

Beat the dungeons to unlock more spells and extend your life energy! Beat all the dungeon bosses to prove you’re tough enough to take on any dangerous quest!

-10가지의 다양한 전투마법들을 언락하세요

-몬스터들이 우글우글거리는 9개의 던전&보물들!

-위험한 동굴에서 보석과 아이템들을 약탈하세요!

-컵케잌,포션,마법중폭장치들을 찾으세요!

-광대한 크기의 수수께끼의 숲이 기다립니다..

네캎에는 일부분만 대충 번역해서 올렸는데 
제 뭣같은 영어실력으로 전부 번역하면 망할것같아서 그냥 원문 그대로 올립니다 ㅋㅋ

각각 정식버젼과 데모버젼으로 출시되며 
모든 던전과 마법주문을 언락할수있는 정식버젼은 1달러의 저렴한 가격에 판매중입니다

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