솔직히 오토돌리시는분들 보면은
골드도 골드지만 황금영웅때문에 하는걸로봤는데
아예 승수를 0승으로 초기화시킨다네요...
므흣 @_@
Quote from Daxxarri
We’ve received a lot of feedback regarding the initial action we took against players who were using bots to automate gameplay. One of the major concerns that you expressed centered around whether the offenders would get to keep their golden hero portraits.
We’ve discussed the situation amongst the team, and we agree that those found to be botting should not get to keep their golden hero portraits. We’ve decided that the number of wins associated with each class on the offending accounts will be reset to 0, which will also remove any golden hero portraits that were obtained on those accounts. We know this issue is important to you, and your feedback is extremely important to us as we explore issues like this for the first time in Hearthstone.
As we demonstrated again recently, rest assured that we will remain vigilant and Hearthstone accounts found to be cheating will continue to face permanent closure.
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