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아마존씨가 영문으로 메일을 보냈는데요 번역 좀 부탁드립니다.
게시물ID : overseabuy_1394짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Ape2014
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1341회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2014/12/10 18:55:52
아마존에서 물건구입.

계정주소지에서 호수를 누락함.

물건이 하도 안와서 배송추적해보니 한국까지 왔다가 다시 되돌아간걸로 확인됨.

카드 결재는 이미 된지 오래임.

메일로 물건을 못받았으니 카드결제 취소를 해달라고 아주 짧은 영어실력으로 이메일을 아마존으로 보냄.

그러자 아마존에서 메일이 날라옴 ...

너무 장문이라 뭔 내용인지 독해할려면 시간이 걸리고, 제대로 해석할 자신이 없어서

영어 고수님들께 해석 부탁드립니다.


I'm sorry to hear you haven't received your order yet; you should've received it by now.

When something like this happens, I'd normally send out a replacement order. In this case, I've checked your account and found that you have placed this order with one of our registered Amazon Merchant seller, World Share.4u.

When you buy an item at Amazon Marketplace or from one of our Amazon Merchants, the seller will process and ship your order, not Amazon.com.

When you placed this order, we estimated the delivery for this order in between November 13, 2014 - November 24, 2014. Unfortunately, we don't have any information regarding its whereabouts, since the order was shipped by the individual seller.

This is the reason we are not able to send a replacement on the seller’s behalf. We do, however, offer a full refund through our A-to-z Guarantee in the event that you are not able to locate your package.

Before I take any action on the order, I want to give seller a chance to resolve this. We hold them to the same high customer service standards we set for ourselves.

Since seller fulfilled your order, they should be able to give you more information about the shipment, or initiate a refund if that's necessary. I've sent your inquiry to them on your behalf. You'll receive a copy of this e-mail shortly.

If you aren't able to work this out with the seller within 3 business days of contacting them, you can file an A-to-z Guarantee claim online to request reimbursement for this order. You need to wait 3 calendar days past the maximum estimated delivery date, before filing a Guarantee claim. Our guarantee is located online at:


Guarantee claims generally take from 1-2 weeks to process; an e-mail notification is sent when a guarantee is complete.

Again, we are very sorry for this inconvenience. We appreciate your business and hope that we will see you again soon at Amazon.com.
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