//the seed pair itself
var clientSeed = "your client seed"; //dont forget to exclude the dash and the nonce!
var serverSeed = "your server seed";
//bet made with seed pair (excluding current bet)
var nonce = 0;
//crypto lib for hmac function
var crypto = require('crypto');
var roll = function(key, text) {
//create HMAC using server seed as key and client seed as message
var hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', key).update(text).digest('hex');
var index = 0;
var lucky = parseInt(hash.substring(index * 5, index * 5 + 5), 16);
//keep grabbing characters from the hash while greater than
while (lucky >= Math.pow(10, 6)) {
lucky = parseInt(hash.substring(index * 5, index * 5 + 5), 16);
//if we reach the end of the hash, just default to highest number
if (index * 5 + 5 > 128) {
lucky = 99.99;
lucky %= Math.pow(10, 4);
lucky /= Math.pow(10, 2);
return lucky;
console.log(roll(serverSeed, clientSeed+'-'+nonce));
roll 값의 verify라는데
과연 공평하게 나오는거 맞나요?
전혀 까막눈이라 한번 질문드려봐요!