Prostitution is illegal in Thailand, however in practice it is tolerated and partly regulated.
9. Germany-49 sex workers per 10,000
Unlike other European Union countries, prostitution, even street prostitution, is wide spread, organized, and legal in most parts of Germany. It’s little wonder when you consider that organized prostitution in Germany dates back to the 1200’s AD.
8. Malaysia-52 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is huge business in Malaysia, however the dark side is strong. The United States has put Malaysia on the blacklist of countries with the worst cases of human trafficking and human rights abuse, including under aged prostitution.
7. Brazil-53 sex workers per 10,000
The act of prostitution itself (exchanging sex for money) in Brazil is legal, but it is illegal to run a brothel house or to employ prostitutes in any other way.
6. China-60 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is illegal in China but has been relegated to the status of a misdemeanor. Some researchers have conservatively estimated that there are as many as 10 million active prostitutes in China at any given time who contribute as much as 5% to the country’s annual GDP as most of th earned income, although not taxed, goes back into the economy through consumption.
5. Nigeria-63 sex workers per 10,000
A sex tourism market for divorced older western women is on the high rise in the country.
4. Philippines-85 sex workers per 10,000
The Philippines offers female company in the form of "bar girls". Girls here often wear their "bar girl" ID tags in noticeable places, and are supposed to be regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Peru-102 sex workers per 10,000
Prostitution is legal for anyone over 18 years of age if they register with municipal authorities and carry a health certificate, and brothels must be licensed. Sadly, under aged in Peru has doubled in recent years.
2. South Korea-110 sex workers per 10,000
Despite legal sanctions and police crackdowns, prostitution continues to flourish in South Korea, while sex workers continue to actively resist the state's activities.
1. Venezuela-119 sex workers per 10,000
Poor economic conditions in Venezuela have tripled the number of sex workers here; even so, only one fifth of the workers actually are born in Venezuela.