게시판 즐겨찾기
드래그 앤 드롭으로
즐겨찾기 아이콘 위치 수정이 가능합니다.
안녕하세요. 영어듣기좀 도와주세요. (1분 53초)
게시물ID : english_9676짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 나트륨5mg
추천 : 1
조회수 : 363회
댓글수 : 7개
등록시간 : 2014/10/15 01:01:00



Peele(Obama) : thank you, and god bless america.

Guide : alright, this way, ??? ??? ??? ??? this is Jonal Roe???.

Peele(Obama) : nice to meet you, Joe?

Guide : this is ?? roberts?

Peele(Obama) : nice to meet you.

Guide : here, Tan s--???

Peele(Obama) : alright, nice to meet you.

Guide : general smith.

Peele(Obama) : come on, bro, what's a f--? (laughing) you know this.

Guide : ---? william sir.

Peele(Obama) : nice to meet you, alright.

Guide : mary woodberry?

Peele(Obama) : nice to meet you

Guide : J martel ?

Peele(Obama) : nice to meet you sir.

Guide : tashya robins ?

Peele(Obama) : come on, come on, come on, (laughing) feel that?

Guide : A--? jorge.

Peele(Obama) : Alright, Alright, nice to meet you.

Guide : ----????

Peele(Obama) : come on, what's a f--?? how are you doing? never for get about that. Is that all we got? nice to meet you. nice to meet you. alright. Aww~~!! bring it ? bring it ? ---------?!

Group : Yeah ~!

Peele(Obama) : nice to meet you. alright. nice to meet you. alright.

Guard : one-eight black.

Peele(Obama) : After? roo ma after roo? come on. bring it him? tug tab?

Peele(Obama), Key : carmen? Armen? there?? !@#!@#!@#!@#!??????

Peele(Obama) : alright, nice to meet you man. Auu... nice to meet you. Oh, my goodness, look at this. oh, she is so beautiful. Umm~ I wanna another one. there you go. precious. beautiful. beautiful. what's your name?

Woman with baby : oh, this is olivia luji?

Peele(Obama) : come here. nice to meet you Ms.--- . alright. come on~~ there e~~ Boom! (laughing) alright babe, good to meet you. alright.

Guide : here we go. this way sir.



안녕하세요. 이 동영상으로 영어듣기를 해보려 하는데 잘 안들리네요 ㅠㅠ

제가 들으며 만들어 본 대본이에요. 동영상에 자막이 없어서 이렇게 질문드려요 ㅠㅠ

안들리는게 너무 많아요 ㅠㅠ ? 또는 -- , @!#@!# 부분은 제가 안들리거나 들리는 대로 적은 부분입니다.

대본에 잘못 된 것이 있으면 지적, 수정부탁드릴게요. 제가 듣지 못 한 부분도 채워주시면 감사하겠습니다.

능력자분들 시간나시면 초보자좀 도와주세요 !

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