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게시물ID : english_9722짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 짜잉나2
추천 : 0
조회수 : 554회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2014/10/22 15:18:21
This book describes how our new way of living changed our society and each individual, and it further goes about discussing many social aspects of the SNS such as identity manipulation and online discrimination. Now that people have hundreds of friends on Facebook the definition of friendship has even changed. The author argues that the society must be able to balance between the positive and negative influences on this new era of the Net. The book is a valuable source for analyzing the psychological evidence of certain behavior toward the use of SNS.

This book describes the original purpose of Facebook when it was newly created, and how Mark Zuckerberg pictured the future of this network service. The author explains why it has flourished to become a ubiquitous presence in not just all around the world but also our sense of our own identity. This book is a great source for understanding the mechanism of SNS, and how it was meant to be before it dominated the society and people’s minds.

This book comprehends people and explains how the dramaturgical way of presenting the self can block such understanding. The author, from the psychological viewpoint, presents readers substantive issues including social relations as drama and the dramaturgical self, and so on. If the book ‘the Facebook Effect’ was to understand the basic mechanism of SNS, this book could be a genuine reflection of the social psychology and even the answer to the question of highlight reels and solitude.

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If so please tell me and if not please just ignore me :)
Thank you so much always!!
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