게시판 즐겨찾기
드래그 앤 드롭으로
즐겨찾기 아이콘 위치 수정이 가능합니다.
안녕하세요. 영어듣기좀 도와주세요. (3분 5초)
게시물ID : english_9753짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 나트륨5mg
추천 : 0
조회수 : 401회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2014/10/29 01:27:50



Key(Sub Teacher) : alright, listen up yo, i'm your substitute teacher mr.garby. I taught school for twenty years in the city. so don't even think about mess with me. yo feel me?

Student : Uh hmm.

Key(Sub Teacher) : okay. stay roll here? J queline. where is J queline at? no J queline here?

Jacqueline : Um.. (raise hand)

Key(Sub Teacher) : yeah.

Jacqueline : ah.... do you mean jacqueline?

Key(Sub Teacher) : okay. so that's ??? you wanna play? okay, than, I got my eye on you J queline. Bl lake. where is Bl lake at? No Bl lake here today?

Blake : (raise hand)

Key(Sub Teacher) : yes sir.

Blake : my name is blake.

Key(Sub Teacher) : B... are you ??? god damn mind? blake? what? do you wanna go the war Bl lake?

Blake : no...

Key(Sub Teacher) : cause we could go the war.

Blake : no...

Key(Sub Teacher) : I'm for real. I'm for real. so you bet a check it self??? D nice. is there any D nice? it ?? what ?? yo. says some silly ass name. this whole class is gone feel my lab. now D nice.

Denise : (raise hand) do you mean denise?

Key(Sub Teacher) : son of bitch! you say your name right. right now.

Denise : denise?

Key(Sub Teacher) : cause say it right.

Denise : denise?

Key(Sub Teacher) : correctly

Denise : denise?

Key(Sub Teacher) : right,

Denise : denise?

Key(Sub Teacher) : right,

Denise : D nice.

Key(Sub Teacher) : that's better. thank you. now. A A ron. where are you? where is A A ron right now? no A A ron ah? are you ?? be sick, dead, or mute? A A ron?

Aaron : here. oh man...

Key(Sub Teacher) : why don't you answer me the first time? I say down?

Aaron : Huh?

Key(Sub Teacher) : i'm asked you I said it right four time. so why didn't you say it the first time I said A A ron?

Aaron : because you pronounced Aaron?

Key(Sub Teacher) : Son of bitch! you don't mess stop? A A ron! now take your ass ? down O shak Henessy's office right now and telling exactly what you did!

Aaron : Who?

Key(Sub Teacher) : O shak Henessy !

Aaron : principal Oshaughnessy?

Key(Sub Teacher) : get out of my god damn class! ?? break my foot off on your ass ! it?? ??and ????? (특히 여기 Aaron이 나가고 나서 교수가 혼자서 정색하고 중얼거리는게 이게 뭐라고 하는지 전혀 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ ) Timothy.

Peele(Timothy) : ?? hand.

Key(Sub Teacher) : thank you.





자막없이 들으려고 많이 노력하고 있습니다.

제가 들으며 적어봤는데 여전히 들리지 않는 것들이 많네요.

한 번 봐주시고 오자, 탈자 지적해주시고 채워주시면 감사하겠습니다.

?? 부분은 제가 도저히 알 수 없는 부분을 표시해뒀어요 ㅠㅠ

실력자분들 잠시 시간내어 많이 가르쳐 주시면 감사하겠습니다.








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