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게시물ID : english_9992짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 여친있음닉변
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1526회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2014/12/07 15:21:54

ACT 5 Scene 2 - Together again


A garden outside a church. It is late at night. paris is standing near the Capulets' tomb. It is a very large tomb with a big, heavy door.


PARIS : Oh, Juliet1 I loved you more than anyone else in the world. I wanted you to be my wife, but now you're dead. (Putting flowers on the tomb) I'm going to come to your tomb every night. What's that noise? someone's coming! He hides, and Romeo enters.


ROMEO : Juliet - I must see your sweet face again! Paris comes out. Romeo opens the door of the tomb.


PARIS : Stop! You're Romeo, aren't you? You're one of the Montagues. What are you doing to Juliet's tomb?


ROMEO : Who are you? Leave me alone! (The two men fight, and Romeo Kills Paris. Romeo goes into the tomb, and takes the bottle of poison out of his pocket.) Juliet, my love, my wife! You are dead, but you are still beautiful. This will be our last kiss. (He kisses her, then drinks the poison.) So, with a kiss, I die. (He dies.)


FATHER LAWRENCE : (Entering) Juliet will wake up very soon. Where's Romeo? Father John took a message to him, and the message told him to meet me here. Romeo! (He goes to the tomb.) The door's open! What's happened?


JULIET : (Waking up) Father Lawrence! It's good to see you. Where's Romeo?


FATHER LAWRENCE : Juliet - something terrible has happened. Romeo is lying next to you, but he's dead! Quickly - get out of the tomb, and come with me. if anyone finds us here, there will be trouble!


JULIET : No, Father, I want to be with Romeo. (Father Lawrence runs away.) Romeo, my love, what's happened? (She sees the bottle of poison.) He's killed himself! Well, I'm going to die too. I can't live without him. Romeo, perhaps there's poison on your lips. If I kiss you, perhaps I will die too. (She kisses him.) I'm still alive, but I want to die. I'm not afraid of death. (She takes out a knife, stabs herself and dies. Some people enter.)


PEOPLE : (Shouting) What's happening? Look, here's Paris - he's dead! And Romeo's dead, too! Someone's opened the tomb! Find the Prince! Find the Capulets and the Montagues! (Prince Escalus, the Capulets, Montagues and servants enter.)


PRINCE ESCALUS : Dead? Romeo and Juliet? (Some more people enter, with Father Lawrence.) Father Lawrence, do you know anything about this?


FATHER LAWRENCE : Just a few days ago, Romeo married Juliet. (Everyone shouts in surprise, and Lady Capulet starts crying.) I married them secretly, because the Capulets and Montagues are enemies. Juliet didn't want to marry Paris, so I told her to take some special medicine. She wasn't dead, she was asleep. I wanted to send a message. And now they have both killed themselves.


PRINCE ESCALUS : Lord Capulet, Lord Montague - come here. (They stand in front of the Prince.) This has happened because you are enemies. Romeo, Juliet, Paris, Mercutio and Tybalt are all dead.


LORD CAPULET : Sir, our arguments have finished. We are friends now, and we will never fight again. They shake hands unhappily.


LORD MONTAGUE : We'll build a statue of Romeo and Juliet. it will be made of gold. No one will ever forget them.


PRINCE ESCALUS : Perhaps Verona will be peaceful now. (He looks up at the sky.) There's no sun this morning. Go home now, all of you, and remember this unhappy story of Juliet and her Romeo.

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