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[본삭금] wow dictation help
게시물ID : english_10258짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 새벽의야생마
추천 : 0
조회수 : 855회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2015/01/20 19:04:45
안녕하세요! 영어와 와우 둘 다 잘하고 싶은 사람입니다. 

취미로 게임을 해 오다가, 좀 더 의미있는 취미활동으로 바꿔보고자, 이런 저런 방법을 찾아보던 중,
제가 좋아하는 와우 경기의 외국 가이드 동영상을 번역해 보고자 마음을 먹게 되었습니다.

외국에서 유명한, Reckful 이라는 사람의 가이드 동영상을 보게 되었습니다. 슬로우화면으로 설명도 나름 친절히 달아 놓은 것 같아서,
OK! 영어공부도 할 겸 해서 번역해 봐야지 했다가...늪에 빠졌습니다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
들리는 단어란답시고 이어붙이긴 했는데 무슨 뜻인지도 모르겠고...

영어 잘하시는 분이 계시다면 dictation 코치좀 해 주세요^^; 부분 부분 조금조금씩이라도 좋습니다. 
Any helps would be very~ highly appreciated !!!

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzc0MDY5NDMy.html 동영상 주소입니다.

도적기술 영문표 http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=42&l=39557

아래는 제가 나름대로 적어 본 script 입니다. 틀린 부분 좀 봐주세요 ㅠㅠ

1. 동영상 내 스킬 흐름

01:39 데스나이트에게 목졸 그밟(shadowstep) 기습(backstab) 후려치기, 끝날 때까지 기다림 (기력(energy) 회복), 얼인이나 급장 뽑기 위해 급가. (데나 얼인) 그 다음 데나가 흑마 때리려 할 때 장분 모은 버블로 만회(recuperate)

02:17 징기에게 소멸 비습 (징기 급장으로 품??) 바로 실명, 징기에게 쌓인 포인트로 난도질

02:28 다시 데나에게 기습   연막탄

00:42 Hey It’s reckful ~~ And I’m gonna show this video on the most important skill for lux have arena  which is control.

Damage really doesn’t matter as much as people think. And if you can join your apponents well

Starting your team ace eventually you gonna get a lot of kill most of time

01:02 For control Looks at Cheap Shot (비열한 습격), Kidney(급소 가격), Gouge(후려치기), Blind(실명), smell ??, Smoke Boom(연막탄), And even just playing 프랙빙 poison. All that can go really wrong way in an arena to stop people killing your  team ace.

00:42 Hey it’s Reckful from complexity red. And I’m gonna show video on the most important skills for rogues to have in arena, which is control.

Damage really doesn’t matter as much as people think, and if you are controlling your opponents well,  stopping them from killing your teammates, eventually will wind up with a kill most of the time.

01:02 For control, rogues have Cheap Shot (비열한 습격), Kidney shot(급소 가격), Gouge(후려치기), Blind(실명), smell ??, Smoke Boom(연막탄), And even just plain crippling poison. All that can go a really long way in an arena to stop people from killing your  teammates

This first clip will gonna show    clife team

01:21 It’s ret-pala death knight healer priest. This team stand each other just running can someone team.

The every cool down I have specified I can.

Then I started a Deathknight with a  Garrote, I wanna chipshot him yet. Cause I wanna send the 야 when he is already feared. 아브리사 in the fear I put in him in the gouge which no one break or replace, so let us him fall.

01:50 Out of the gouge in the kidney um But I’m planning from get out of it with either icebound or trinket.

Icebound re stuns now. The icebound out of the kidney. Research running my warlock. He is already really low registed with Pala. I dismantle just man of deathknight, so he doesn’t get any other tax off. And now I pretty much 필라서펀.

So, recuperate my points off, really good point suffer off, ~~~   vanish chipshot the ret-pala, He is try to get my  ~~in the warlock  And He really want some bad with his trinket with that. so I’m blind him and 블라인드~~  블라그래프

And I’m gonna slice my point from the ret-pala So I slice down keep down going  , Now I’m back going deathknight

It’s just convenient to get up, slice get a few  your damage will be increased while you fill in.

Now I’m drop down smoke bomb. Cause It’s both connecting. And it faced with any smoke bomb refresh gonna.

Gonna chip shot the let again, And I’m put in a gouge about that There’s no that’s all I know.

And I take all those of combo points And redirecting the deathknight for full kidney

Now my warlock puts away And deathknight almost cool down I have so say to say

And re--- damage.

I shadow dance kidney 하우마 졸리 trinket get some ambushes get some indistrate. just ~~ damage

I feel like people make mistake just in arena in game have to take a down specially I can just doing damage right away And that’s not important usually. By ~~ damage later.
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