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고학력백수의 1일 1음악_19.when your feet don't...
게시물ID : music_135583짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 고학력백수
추천 : 4
조회수 : 210회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2017/02/22 02:45:05
힘든 시간을 보내고 계신가요?
현실은 팍팍하지만 꿈은 꿀 수 있자나요.
현실이 비참하고 비록 발이 현실에 묶여있어도
조금만 견디면 희망이 보이고 조금 더 나은 미래가 보일 꺼에요. 

뮤지컬 Finding Neverland의 수록곡 when your feet don't touch the ground 입니다.

When did life become so complicated
Years of too much thought and time I wasted
And in each line upon my face
Is proof I fought and lived another day
When did life become this place of madness
Drifting on an empty sea of waves and sadness
I make believe I'm in control
And dream it wasn't all my fault
When your feet don't touch the ground
When your voice turns ups and downs
Here it's safe in this place up off the clouds
When your feet don't touch the earth
You can't feel the things that hurt
And you're free there's no need to come down

Everyday just feels a little longer
Why am I the only one not getting stronger
Running around pretending life's a play
It doesn't make the darkness go away
I may be young but I can still remember
Feeling full of joy crying tears of laughter
Now all my tears are all cried out
Make believe but count me out
Cause my feet are on the ground
And the inner voice I found 
Tells the truth, There's no use If your head's in the clouds

I was once like you
Life was a maze
I couldn't find my way out
But what I say is true
You will be amazed
Make believe and you will find out that it's true 
When your feet don't touch the ground
When your voice won't make a sound
Here it's safe In this place up off the clouds
When your feet don't touch the earth
You can't feel the things that hurt
And you're free there's no need to come down 
When your feet don't touch the ground
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