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요즘 시국에 제게 딱 와닿는 노래가 있어요..
게시물ID : sisa_810742짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : raha1
추천 : 0
조회수 : 226회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2016/12/08 09:14:10
얼마전 몬테크리스토를 보고 왔는데,
주인공이 배신자들의 소식을 듣고 분노해 복수를 다짐하면서 부르는 곡이에요.
왠지 딱 와닿는군요...
너희에게 선사하는 지옥 (hell to your doorstep)
The world is a place
where the villains wear a smile on their face
While they take what you can never replace
Stolen moments gone forever
Well, tables can turn as my enemies will soon enough learn
I will strike them and shall then watch them burn
On the pyre of obsession
You run ’till you drop, chasing on advantage
You’ll pay any price if you think it’s free
I will carry hell to your doorstep; I will make you pay
You will reap the hate you’ve sown on my judgment day
Sleepless nights and days of damnation
Soon and evermore
I will bring the Chateau D’If knocking up on your door
And love is a lie swearing that no matter what it won’t die
Disappearing like a star in the sky
In the hot light of morning
But what do I care?
There are women to be had everywhere
Just this retribution I must prepare
Mighty vengeance is mine
I have a nice show that will tempt you onward
And just when you’re sure that the prize is yours
I’ll deliver hell to your doorstep dressed in rich facade
Then, I’ll burn you to the ground like an angry god
Once you’re in my shining cathedral heed the German bell
It’s the final sound you hear as you descend to hell
Fall down on your knees
Fall down and let me hear you pray
Fall down on your knees
’till I can hear you bargaining, scheming, begging and screaming to live
I will carry hell to your doorstep; you will rue the day
You will reap the hate you’ve sown no matter how hard you pray
It’s a place without any mercy, fashioned in cold blood
Stones of fear and stones of doubt
No forgiveness, no way out
Only justice
Then, amen
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