인턴인터뷰 전에 이런 에세이 테스트를 받았는데요 일경험이 전혀없고 취업 준비도 안해봐서 어떻게 써야되는지 감이안옵니다 ㅠㅠ 어떤 식으로 써야할지 아이디어좀 주시면 감사하겟습니다..
1. A client from Washington, D.C. who started an art advisory company is visiting NYC for the Frieze Art Fair.They want to throw a “cool” partyfor approximately 50 people and they've asked for your help planningit. Their budgetis 2k. What would you suggest?
2. You receive the following email from a client:
"Hey. I've had it. I've receivednumerous reminders for an invoicethat I've paid (INVOICE #123). I don't know who handles the billing at your company, but something is going very very wrong, as I always pay my bills on time. This is insulting and frustrating. Please mark my bill as paid and confirm as soon as possible. Best,Jamie”
You double check, and see that they have not paid the bill. Write your response email.
3. Your supervisor is out of the office for an extended period of time. It has come to your attention that a significant client is very upset with your coworker. The coworker, who is also your friend, has specifically requested that you not copy your supervisor on a specific email chain because the client will likely express dissatisfaction, which she believes will soon “blow over,” and she doesn't want to upset your supervisor while she is away from the office. How would you respond to your coworker’s request?