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The impeachment of president Park.
게시물ID : english_11992짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 선녀와그래꾼
추천 : 0
조회수 : 612회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2017/03/18 11:56:00
  • 창작글

The Constitutional Court finally decided the impeachment of president Park geun hye. She has removed from the Blue House. It's very natural result & result in common sense. How dare a first class criminal occupy a position named president of South Korea? I think that there's no one compares to her for it's stupid. As soon as possible she should be under prosecutor's investigation in allegations of corruption. 
Anyway, New Era of South Korea will be opened soon. I really hope the next president should correct all of wrong things such as 4-river project, history problem, society imbalance, and economic polarization etc. I want next generation including my daughter will be living in the society not against the common sense. 
So I stand in the side of Mr. Moon because he has experienced the rotten politicians and business men when he worked in Blue House with president Noh through his whole life. I think they failed to clean-up trashes at the time. 
Now is the second chance but last. After two months, I want to face a new generation of S. Korea.

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