A new Penn State College of Medicine study has found a link between the 1979 Three Mile Island accident and thyroid cancer cases in southcentral Pennsylvania.
The study marks the first time the partial meltdown can be connected to specific cancer cases, the researchers have said.
The study was published Monday in the medical journal Laryngoscope, one day before Exelon Corp. announced that Three Mile Island would close in 2019.
“We found a change in this signal from sporadic to radiation-induced in the affected timeline to those exposed to low-dose radiation,” Goldenberg said. Those people developed thyroid cancer on average 5 to 30 years after exposure and about 11 years earlier than the average thyroid cancer case.
In the control group, 83 percent of patients had the BRAF mutation. The BRAF mutation was found in only 53 percent of patients in the at-risk group. In the at-risk group, there was also a rise in other molecular markers seen in radiation induced thyroid cancer, the researchers added.
“While no single marker can determine whether an individual tumor is radiation-induced, these data support the possibility that radiation released from TMI altered the molecular profile of thyroid cancers in the population surrounding the plant,” Goldenberg said.
https://pennstatehealthnews.org/2017/05/possible-correlation-shown-between-the-partial-meltdown-at-tmi-and-thyroid-cancers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+penn-state-college-of-medicine+%28Penn+State+College+of+Medicine%29 https://www.ydr.com/story/news/2017/05/31/psu-study-links-1979-tmi-accident-thyroid-cancer/358027001/