[12월 12일 AFP] 스위스 북부 (Aargau)주에 있는 (Beznau)원자력 발전소가 9일 운전 개시부터 50년을 맞았다.환경보호운동가들은 너무 낡고 위험하다며 즉각 폐쇄할 것을 요구하고 있다.
베즈나우 원전은 1969년 12월 9일 상업 운전을 시작했다.50년이 경과한 원전의 터빈 건물 내에 있는 푸른 벽에는 독일어로 쓰여져 있었다."1969~2019년.35만 5000시간 가동"
<베즈나우 원전 1호기는 현재 가동 중인 원전으로는 2번째로 오래 되었다. (IAEA)에 따르면 가장 오래된 것은 1969년 10월에 가동한 인도 서부 (Tarapur)원전 1호기와 2호기다.>
https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3258868?act=all He noted that the last time the plant was shut for repairs -- between 2015 and 2017 -- analyses were carried out after flaws were discovered in the steel of the reactor's pressurised water tanks.
In a finding later confirmed by ENSI, experts concluded that the flaws were not linked to the operation of the reactor, and posed no safety risk.
But Greenpeace maintains that the tests did not take into account the effects of radioactivity on the wear and tear of the tank.
Beznau poses "a major risk in terms of nuclear safety", Kasser said.
The Green Party, which saw huge gains in recent parliamentary elections, agrees with that position and has demanded the plant's immediate closure.
The Beznau plant had become a touchstone of the heated debate about nuclear safety in Switzerland that intensified following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.
In the aftermath of Fukushima, Switzerland announced plans to phase out nuclear energy and close its four plants, but no clear timeline has been set.
At 50, Europe's oldest Beznau nuclear plant in Switzerland not ready to retire - The New Indian Express