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인도네시아 5개 화산 동시에 폭발하다
게시물ID : mystery_6497짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 포스트댓
추천 : 2
조회수 : 3801회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2015/07/24 10:53:26
  • 펌글
5 volcanos clouding skies in Indonesia now


수요일에 인도네시아 열도의 상공 상당부분이 화산재로 덮였다. 이는 이나라 5곳의 화산이 동시에 폭발했기 때문인데, 이로 인해서 3군데 공항이 폐쇄되었다. 자바섬의 라웅 화산은 화산재와 잔해물을 상공 2000미터까지 뿜어냈다, 그곳은 수주일동안 으르렁거리며 폭발을 예고했다고 정부 화산학자 수로노가 말했다.
Eruptions of ash at five volcanoes shrouded the skies over parts of the Indonesian archipelago Wednesday, forcing three airports to close.
Mount Raung on Java island blasted ash and debris up to 2,000 meters (6,560 feet) into the air after rumbling for several weeks, government volcanologist Surono said.
Ash erupted also from Gamalama and Dukono mountains on the Moluccas islands chain, Sinabung volcano on Sumatra island and Mount Karangetang on Siau island, darkening the skies, Surono said.
A total of more than 13,000 people have been evacuated due to the volcanic eruptions since last month, mostly from around the slopes of Sinabung in Tanah Karo District, added Surono, who uses a single name.
"Our evaluation showed there is no extraordinary natural phenomenon that triggered simultaneous eruptions of the five volcanoes," Surono said, adding that all the eruptions are natural and normal occurrences in a nation with about 130 active volcanoes.
More at linky


출처 http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/eruptions-ash-volcanoes-shroud-skies-indonesia-32610505
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