옵션 |
i thought that is about illegal immigrant who have problem of potential possible crimes.
there are two sight of this problem in Korea.
first, they are social weakness so we protect them or they are protect because they are social weakness
two, all of illegal immigrants must be reported
but i don't watch this case use these two of sight, just watch it is.
i don't know exactly how to deal with crime(it's special or not) that illegal immigrant do.
actually (they can choice one that is two of option).
one. you be punished as Korea of rules for what you do.
two. you will be reported soon your nation and you don't be punished .
first choice does not matter to Korean but two is serious matter.
if you illegal immigrant how would you do.
illegal immigrant behavior can be separated as illegal immigrants mind so someone avoid arrest , someone will hide he's body and trace and he will live keeping silence
or anyway if they get caught by police and then does not accuse of there crime ,just report, they do not hesitate whatever they do in Korea.
i feel these problem is connected complex many other thing but i feel if Korea save there's safe will sacrifice something is