2016-11-12 14:06:21
Dear Students and Scholars,
As we process the events of this week - the outcome of the U.S. election and the ensuing responses to the election across the nation - I would like to remind you that you are all incredibly valued and cherished members of the UCLA community. Your global perspectives and contributions to the University in our classrooms, labs, research and social spaces truly make UCLA a world class institution. To remind you of the University of California's commitment to diversity, respect and tolerance, please read the following statement from UC President Janet Napolitano:
I understand that some of you may be confused and/or concerned about remarks that were made during the campaign and continue to be echoed in social media, and welcome you to join the healing spaces available to you on campus. You are also welcome to join the Dashew Center for a post-election reflection on Monday, November 14th, 6-7:30pm to share and connect with your community. For more detailed information about this event please visit http://www.internationalcenter.ucla.edu/Event/EventDetails/16F-DA-W04/post-election-intl-reflection
For those of you who are concerned about your visa status in the U.S., please rest assured that U.S. immigration regulations have not changed since the election and we are not aware of any immediate changes. We will continue to notify you of any relevant changes in federal immigration regulations and policies through Dashew Center listserv emails. The Dashew Center will continue to advocate for regulations and policies that support and respect the international community at UCLA. As always, should you need any clarification regarding travel, employment, study, or stay in the USA, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Shideh-------, Ph.D.
Dashew Center for International Students & Scholars (DCISS)
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