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Todayhumor님의 개인페이지입니다
회원가입 : 12-05-28
방문횟수 : 1908회
닉네임 변경이력
3024 2015-07-30 18:15:43 0
휴대전화에 HHD가 연결이 되나여? [새창]
2015/07/30 18:08:19
위에 답변자입니다.
찾아보니까 스마트폰 전력만으로도 외장하드 구동되는듯 싶네요.
http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=russha&logNo=220044127156 이 글 참고하셔서
"USB OTG변환 젠더" 구입하시면 될듯 합니다.
3023 2015-07-30 18:10:51 0
휴대전화에 HHD가 연결이 되나여? [새창]
2015/07/30 18:08:19
상품페이지 예시로 올려드릴게요
3022 2015-07-30 18:09:34 0
휴대전화에 HHD가 연결이 되나여? [새창]
2015/07/30 18:08:19
흠....전력이 일단 딸려서 안됩니다.
외부전력을 받아온다음 SATA->USB 변환하는거랑 OTG젠더 쓰시면 될듯 싶은데요?
3021 2015-07-29 23:40:05 4
인터스텔라 만박사 행성에서 어떻게 얼음구름이 공중에떠있나요? [새창]
2015/07/29 23:34:41
3020 2015-07-29 23:39:45 0
인터스텔라 만박사 행성에서 어떻게 얼음구름이 공중에떠있나요? [새창]
2015/07/29 23:34:41
라고 하네요 ㅎ
3019 2015-07-29 23:39:40 0
인터스텔라 만박사 행성에서 어떻게 얼음구름이 공중에떠있나요? [새창]
2015/07/29 23:34:41
I think gravity is not a factor because everything has mass it's really a matter of how much space that mass displaces, i.e., density. Like, ice cubes float in your milk even though gravity is pulling on the ice cubes. So I think the only factor that matters is that the solid clouds are less dense than the gaseous atmosphere.

In fact, stronger gravity contributes to greater atmospheric density by pulling the gases closer to the planet surface (e.g., air is thinner atop Mt. Everest). So, if planet Mann had an atmosphere made of the same molecules as Earth's atmosphere, that atmosphere would in fact be thinner on Mann than on Earth because Mann's 80% gravity is not pulling down as much atmosphere. Which would make floating a solid in such a thin atmosphere even harder--not easier. But, we know Mann's atmosphere is not the same as Earth's because Mann's atmosphere is not breathable.

Possibly the clouds and the atmosphere of Mann are not composed of the same elements/compounds as each other. The atmosphere could be chock full of dense gases. I see that sulfur hexaflouride has a density of 6.17 g/L. And the clouds are made of really not-dense solid. I see that NASA aerogel is only 3 g/L. So, maybe NASA made a sh*tload of aerogel, floated it out to Saturn where it [accidentally] got sucked through the wormhole and fell to planet Mann. Just maybe.

Or maybe the clouds and the atmosphere of Mann are made of the same elements/compounds as each other, and the temperature is just enough to have some of it freeze up, and the solid state is less dense than the gaseous state. Like imagine the planet is just a ball of water or whatever, where a lot of it has frozen into iceburgs but there's still some ocean left. I don't think this is likely though, as I don't know of any compounds whose solid state is less dense than its gaseous state.
3018 2015-07-26 12:01:30 0
이거 왜 그런거죠???? [새창]
2015/07/26 01:28:44
캡쳐에도 나타나는걸보면 기계문제는 아닌뎁....음...
3017 2015-07-26 01:21:45 0
구현된 에뮬레이터 화면과 정상 출력되는 게임들 [새창]
2015/07/24 13:57:38
3016 2015-07-25 14:35:24 0
사진올리면 약쟁이가 나타난다고 해서올려봅니다 [새창]
2015/07/24 22:50:04
글이 삭제됬는데 왜 사진이 상상이가지 ㅋㅋ
3015 2015-07-19 19:53:17 0
아이콘이 지맘대로 자꾸내려가는건 왜그런거죠? [새창]
2015/07/19 17:45:26
3014 2015-07-19 10:57:03 0
6PPFALH97JTM 감사히 사용했습니다!


은 어떤분이 쓰셨네요!
3013 2015-07-19 10:18:14 0
보조 배터리는 어떤 걸로 사 [새창]
2015/07/18 22:51:39
샤오미요 ㅋㅋ
3012 2015-07-16 00:07:57 8
달마과장님 이제 네이버목요웹툰으로 왔네요ㅎ [새창]
2015/07/15 23:15:19
3011 2015-07-11 23:01:05 1
개인적으로 궁금한게있는데, 이런 앱 제작한다음 홍보는 어떤식으로하세요??
3010 2015-07-10 23:57:12 16
닭그네.jpg [새창]
2015/07/09 10:47:22
국정원같은곳에서 택배기사인척 하고 와서
없애버린다는거에요 ㅋ
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